Linux Mint 15 ecco cosa ci aspetta
Cinnamon 1.8
MAIN FEATURES– Desklets [dalcde]
– Ability for cinnamon-settings to browse/install/remove/update themes/applets/extensions/desklets remotely [clem]
– Bumpmaps [esteban] [dalcde]
– Control Center (Cinnamon and GNOME properties within one same settings tool) [clem]
– Rethink Cinnamon 2D, fallback to a non-shadow CPU-less intensive session in software rendering mode and/or Muffin/OpenBox (whatever happens, the user should know he’s not running the “real” Cinnamon, he should be told why, and he should find himself with a working WM (even a minimalistic one like OpenBox)).ADDITIONAL FEATURES
– Configurable color schemes for themes
– Calendar events – similar to KDE’s implementation [clem]NEW APPLETS
– email notifier (imap/pop)
– Pulse-like RSS readerNEW DESKLETS
– System monitor
– Picture, video, slideshow frame
– Terminal
MAIN FEATURES– Action API (reads desktop files in /usr/share/nemo/launchers. An action is basically a text file which defines a name, an icon, an executable and which file extensions nemo shows the action for when the file is right-clicked. A typical example of this would be a “Edit tags” action which would apply to *.mp3 files.).
– Disk Management (mintdisk integration etc..)
– File preview
– UI improvements (sidebar selection, independent path bar, better looking breadcrumbs etc..)ADDITIONAL FEATURES
– Add devices to MoveTo/CopyTo
– Add a “border” property to “entry” objects so themes can get borders around text fields
– Write a new renderer which supports animations and interactivity to get on par with unity-greeter in terms of looks
– UI Improvements for Software Management
– UI Improvements for live-installer
– Screensaver
– Driver Manager
– Add ubiquity features to live-installer (better partitioning, fs support, webcam support, EFI, OEM..etc)
– R&D on “from scratch” package base and investigation on pros and cons of dpkg compared to other packaging systems (multi-version installation, static/dynamic support, snapshots, delta, update reversals etc..)
Cosa ne pensate?