Audacity 2.0.3 RC 1 rilasciato: Installiamolo su Ubuntu e su Windows
Prima Release Candidate per Audacity 2.0.3, l’audio editor e recorder, open source e multi piattaforma che tanti pinguini (e non solo) usano per realizzare la propria musica.
Ma scopriamo cosa c’è di nuovo in Audacity 2.0.3 RC 1
Bug fixes for: |
* Crash using Undo whilst time-shifting a track. |
* Crash using Repair if the selection extended into an empty track. |
* Export Multiple didn't prevent export if there was no audio or |
all audio was muted. This allowed export of small invalid files. |
* Time Track: |
* Loop Play of a speeded-up track inserted silence. |
* Playback and rendering was significantly inaccurate, creating |
audible and visual glitches. |
* Accessibility: |
* The mnemonics character "&" was read out by screen readers in |
most of the Preferences choices. |
* NVDA did not read static text in most dialogs. Text can now be |
read by using INSERT + B. |
* JAWS and Window-eyes misread the "Duration" control in Silence |
Generator. |
* Toolbar buttons could not be pressed by ENTER |
* Other interface bug fixes. |
Changes and Improvements: |
* The SoX Resampler library (libsoxr) has replaced libresample in |
Audacity releases, offering both higher quality and greater speed. . |
* Time Tracks new features: |
* "Set Range" now changes only the range of the Time Track, |
preserving the pitch/speed set by any existing warp points. |
* Vertical scale added with options for linear and logarithmic |
display and interpolation. |
* Upper and lower speed limits will now be remembered when saving |
and reopening a project in 2.0.3. Warp points in projects saved |
by previous Audacity versions will be correctly restored in 2.0.3. |
* Warp points saved in a 2.0.3 project will be preserved if opened |
in previous versions but playback and display will be incorrect. |
* New effects: |
* Studio Fade Out (uses a filtered "S" curve). |
* Adjustable Fade (accessible effect for creating partial fades |
and adjustable fade shapes). |
* Bass and Treble (replaces Bass Boost). |
* Real sample rates up to 384000 Hz are now supported for playback |
and recording in high resolution devices (the maximum is up to |
192000 Hz for Windows DirectSound host). |
* Labeled Regions in Edit Menu is renamed to "Labeled Audio" and now |
allows splits to be placed at point labels. Labeled audio regions |
that touch without overlapping are treated as separate regions. |
Overlapping labeled audio regions are treated as a single region. |
* Compilation: cmake is required in order to build libsoxr. |
* New Croatian translation of Audacity. |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3. Known Issues in 2.0.3: |
For known issues at release of 2.0.3, please see: | |
Please also check: | |
for details of any issues that have been identified after release of |
this version. |
Per provare questa versione in sviluppo potete, se siete su Ubuntu e derivate, usare il PPA Audacity Daily Build dando da terminale
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:audacity-team/daily
ed installando Audacity con
sudo apt-get install audacity
Se siete utenti Windows ecco i link per scaricarlo:
Per maggiori info sulle versioni per altre distro, per OS X e le istruzioni per come compilarlo trovate maggiori info a questo indirizzo.